Saturday, December 22, 2012

Library Hours Reduced - Effective Spring 2013

We regret to inform you that we need to reduce hours next semester. We will no longer offer hours in the early morning, later evening, or Saturday.

Spring 2013 Hours
Monday –Thursday: 9 am—6 pm
Friday: 9 am—1pm
Saturday and Sunday: Closed

If you would like to voice your concerns, we invite you to:
  • Fill out a petition at a service desk inside the library, or:
  • Contact your ASO representative


  1. That is ridiculous!
    What about students who have early bird classes that need to print an essay or something? You SWC a lot of students do not have a printer at home!!
    I personally go to the library early in the am to do some studying and research before my test.
    Couldn't SWC reduced the admissions office hours by least an hour or so or some other department.

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Unfortunately there is no money to pay someone to be there. :(
