Thursday, April 14, 2011

Facts On File - Database Content Update

Spring greetings to all! Here are highlights of the new content recently added to the Facts On File News Service Databases for the month of April available through the library on our Articles and Database website

The Issues and Controversies database covers Labor Unions in the 21st Century: Are public employees' unions reponsible for the financial crises facing many states, and should they continue to have collective bargaining rights?

This month's feature article in the Issues and Controversies in American History is School Busing: Forty years ago this month, in Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education, a unanimous Supreme Court ruling upheld the constitutionality of school busing to effect racial desegregation in the South. Was busing a necessary means to integration, or an infringement on personal liberty?

In the Today's Science database,the March 17 earthquake and tsunami in Japan is covered in the articles Wall of Water: Japan Quake Triggers Tsunami and Japan's Nuclear Crisis.

To research and read this information visit the library's Articles and Databases website at

Select the Off Campus Access link for information or view the online tutorial on how to access these resources from off campus locations.

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