Thursday, May 06, 2010

ARTstor: Foundation for Landscape Studies

ARTstor has collaborated with the Foundation for Landscape Studies to share approximately 5,000 contemporary photographs and historical illustrations of gardens and landscapes from around the world in the Digital Library. Elizabeth Barlow Rogers, president of the Foundation, is a noted landscape historian, park preservationist, and writer.

The collection provides an overview of landscape studies, encompassing all cultural landscapes, including gardens, parks, cities, suburbs, rural areas, and the humanized wilderness. A subset of the images, approximately 500, consists of engravings depicting gardens and landscapes from rare books dating from the 16th through early 20th century.

To view the Foundation for Landscape Studies collection: go to the ARTstor Digital Library, browse by collection, and click "Foundation for Landscape Studies;" or enter the keyword search: elizabethbarlowrogers..

To view ARTstor from off campus locations you need to create an ARTstor account at from any computer on the Southwestern College campuses.

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