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Below is a list of our latest eBook titles.
Daily Life During the Indian Wars {The Greenwood Press Daily Life Through History Series}
21St Century Elementary Library Media Program
Aging, but Never Old : the Realities, Myths, and Misrepresentations of the Anti-aging Movement {The Praeger Series on Contemporary Health and Living}
American Film in the Digital Age {New Directions in Media}
American Women of Science Since 1900
Battles That Changed History : an Encyclopedia of World Conflict
Beyond Suppression : Global Perspectives on Youth Violence {Global Crime and Justice}
Che Guevara : a Biography {Greenwood Biographies}
Comics, Manga, and Graphic Novels : a History of Graphic Narratives
Daily Life During the Reformation {Greenwood Press Daily Life Through History Series}
Disarming States : the International Movement to Ban Landmines
Encyclopedia of African American Popular Culture
Encyclopedia of Human Body Systems
Encyclopedia of the Vampire : the Living Dead in Myth, Legend, and Popular Culture
Folklore : an Encyclopedia of Beliefs, Customs, Tales, Music, and Art {2Nd Ed. /}
Genocide : a Reference Handbook {Contemporary World Issues}
George W. Bush : a Biography {Greenwood Biographies}
Introduction to Technical Services {Library and Information Science Text Series; 8th Ed.}
Medicare {Health and Medical Issues Today}
Multicultural Literature and Response : Affirming Diverse Voices
Profit of Education
Prostitution and Sex Work {Historical Guides to Controversial Issues in America}
Protecting Your Health Privacy : a Citizen's Guide to Safeguarding the Security of Your Medical Information
Public Libraries and the Internet : Roles, Perspectives, and Implications
Reference Reborn : Breathing New Life Into Public Services Librarianship
Sarah Palin : a Biography {Greenwood Biographies}
Spying in America in the Post 9/11 World : Domestic Threat and the Need for Change {Changing Face of War}
Thyroid Disease {Biographies of Disease}
Trials of the Century : an Encyclopedia of Popular Culture and the Law
Brain Matters : Translating Research Into Classroom Practice {2Nd Ed.}
Breaking Free from Myths About Teaching and Learning : Innovation As an Engine for Student Success
Everyday Engagement : Making Students and Parents Your Partners in Learning
Focus : Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning
How to Plan Rigorous Instruction
Leading and Managing a Differentiated Classroom
Learning for Keeps : Teaching the Strategies Essential for Creating Independent Learners
Raising Black Students' Achievement Through Culturally Responsive Teaching
Transformational Teaching in the Information Age : Making Why and How We Teach Relevant to Students
Aesthetics A-Z {Philosophy A-Z}
Demented Particulars : the Annotated Murphy {2Nd Ed.}
American Pop : Popular Culture Decade By Decade
Archaeology in America : an Encyclopedia
Dynamic Advancements in Teaching and Learning Based Technologies : New Concepts
Encyclopedia of Information Communication Technologies and Adult Education Integration
Handbook of Research on Transformative Online Education and Liberation : Models for Social Equality
Transition or Transformation? : Helping Young People With Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Set Out on a Hopeful Road Towards Their Adult Lives
Buddhism : the Ebook : an Online Introduction {4Th Ed.}
State Assessment Systems : Exploring Best Practices and Innovations : Summary of Two Workshops
American War Machine : Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection, and the Road to Afghanistan {War and Peace Library}
Border Sexualities, Border Families in Schools
Clean Energy Common Sense : an American Call to Action on Global Climate Change
Combat Trauma : a Personal Look at Long-term Consequences
Coming Climate Crisis? : Consider the Past, Beware the Big Fix {Why of Where Series}
Commodified and Criminalized : New Racism and African Americans in Contemporary Sports {Perspectives on a Multiracial America Series}
Dust : the Inside Story of Its Role in the September 11th Aftermath
Envy Theory : Perspectives on the Psychology of Envy
Forensic Science in Court : Challenges in the Twenty-first Century {Issues in Crime & Justice}
Globalization and Islamism : Beyond Fundamentalism {Globalization}
Globalization and Terrorism : the Migration of Dreams and Nightmares {Globalization; 2nd Ed.}
Good Life : Options in Ethics {4Th Ed.}
Heirs of Oppression
Hiroshima : the Autobiography of Barefoot Gen {Asian Voices}
History of Korea : from Antiquity to the Present
How Shelter Pets Are Brokered for Experimentation : Understanding Pound Seizure
How Your Child Heals : an Inside Look at Common Childhood Ailments
James Madison Rules America : the Constitutional Origins of Congressional Partisanship
Jihad and Genocide {Studies in Genocide}
Learning Culture Through Sports : Perspectives on Society and Organized Sports {2Nd Ed.}
Moral University
Mouse That Roared : Disney and the End of Innocence {Updated and Expanded Ed.}
Plagues in World History {Exploring World History}
Police Practices in Global Perspective
Polyamory in the Twenty-first Century : Love and Intimacy With Multiple Partners
Practical Statistics for Educators {4Th Ed.}
Rich, Free, and Miserable : the Failure of Success in America
Rights for Victims of Crime : Rebalancing Justice
Saints and Scamps : Ethics in Academia {25Th Anniversary Ed.}
Schoolhouse of Cards : an Inside Story of No Child Left Behind and Why America Needs a Real Education Revolution
Smuggling : Contraband and Corruption in World History {Exploring World History}
Space, Place, and Sex : Geographies of Sexualities {Why of Where}
Sports Journalism : an Introduction to Reporting and Writing
State of the Parties : the Changing Role of Contemporary American Parties {Social Movements, Interest Organizations, and the Political Process; 6th Ed.}
Still Divided Academy : How Competing Visions of Power, Politics, and Diversity
Complicate the Mission of Higher Education
Store in the Hood : a Century of Ethnic Business and Conflict
Street-smart Advertising : How to Win the Battle of the Buzz
Surviving Your Doctors : Why the Medical System Is Dangerous to Your Health and How to Get Through It Alive
Teachers As Servant Leaders
Trade and Globalization : an Introduction to Regional Trade Agreements
Unequal Health : How Inequality Contributes to Health or Illness {2Nd Ed.}
Victorious and Vulnerable : Why Democracy Won in the 20th Century and How It Is Still Imperiled {Hoover Studies in Politics, Economics, and Society}
Women's Rights in the Middle East and North Africa : Progress Amid Resistance {2010 Ed.}
Academic Turnarounds : Restoring Vitality to Challenged American Colleges and Universities {The ACE Series on Higher Education; 1st Rowman & Littlefield Pbk. Ed.}
Art and Politics of Academic Governance : Relations Among Boards, Presidents, and Faculty {The ACE Series on Higher Educatiion; 1st Rowman & Littlefield Pbk. Ed.}
Back to Common Sense : Rethinking School Change
Critical Survey of Long Fiction {4Th Ed.}
Encyclopedia of American Immigration
Encyclopedia of Global Resources
Solar System
Sociology Reference Guide. Analyzing Crime & Social Control {1St Ed.}
Sociology Reference Guide. Exploring Human Sexuality {1St Ed.}
Sociology Reference Guide. Gender Roles & Equality {1St Ed.}
Sociology Reference Guide. The Effects of Poverty & the Welfare State {1St Ed.}
Sociology Reference Guide. The Process of Socialization {1St Ed.}
Academically Adrift : Limited Learning on College Campuses
Our Magnetic Earth : the Science of Geomagnetism
Sacred Sites : the Secret History of Southern California
Willa Cather : a Writer's Worlds {Cather Studies ; 8}
Buzz : the Life and Art of Busby Berkeley {Screen Classics}
Philosophy of Horror {The Philosophy of Popular Culture}
Philosophy of the Western {The Philosophy of Popular Culture}
Teaching With Student Texts : Essays Toward an Informed Practice