Thursday, October 26, 2017

What's your labor of love?

Do you like bikes? Looking to choose (or change) your career? Well, over the next ten years, the U.S. is projected to experience a 29% increase in jobs for Bicycle Repairers.

Mathematicians, Forest Fire Inspectors, and Solar Installers will also be in high demand. But overall, it’s health care industries that “are expected to account for a large share of new jobs projected through 2026, as the aging population continues to drive demand for health care services.” BLS News Release 10/24/17.

These recently published reports are created by our every own U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. They are experts in collecting and analyzing this type of career data, along with specific San Diego economic data.

While you’re visiting their site, don’t miss the latest version of their Occupational Outlook Handbook. This comprehensive resource will give you up-to-date, detailed information about almost every career you can think of, from Boilermakers to Ride-Hailing Drivers. In each career summary, you’ll read about:

    • What they do
    •  What the work environment is like
    •  How to become one 
    • How much you can expect to be paid
    • The likely job outlook for this career  
    •  Similar occupations to the one you found

Interested in obtaining your Associate’s Degree? You can search the Occupational Outlook Handbook for all of the careers that require this degree. All of the features of the Occupational Outlook Handbook are also available en español.

Take a moment to check out the latest from the Department of Labor – you never know if you might stumble across a new labor of love.

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