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Bigger Than Blockbusters: Movies That Defined America tells the stories behind the most significant and influential films in American culture, movies that have had a profound influence on the literary, cinematic and popular culture of our time.
It is arranged by decade to illustrate the cultural and historical context of the films of a particular period. From 1915's Birth of a Nation to 2008's No Country for Old Men, James Roman presents not only historical background on each film but also critical assessment that together establish the filmmaker's influences and the impact of the film on society at large.
Check out Bigger Than Blockbusters: Movies That Defined America , available now in the library.
New Book Shelf QA 141.15 .B535 2009
Americans are assaulted by numbers, whether it's the latest political poll or the most recent clinical study on caffeine. But what do these numbers really mean and are they communicating a categorical truth? One strategy, commonly used by those of us on better terms with words than numbers, is to ignore the world of digits altogether. A better approach,though, is to overcome one’s natural tendency to be intimidated by numbers.
The Numbers Game shows us how much we already know, and gives practical ways to use our knowledge to become better consumers of the media. In each concise chapter, the authors take on a different theme—such as size, chance, averages, targets, risk, measurement, and data—and present it as a memorable and entertaining story.
Check out The Numbers Game: The Commonsense Guide to Understanding Numbers in the News, in Politics, and in Life , available now in the library.
This new title describes in considerable detail how the world of food production has changed greatly since the US was founded, how food is presently produced, and how the process, driven by profits and efficiency, has seriously harmed human health and the environment. America’s food explores a food supply system whose efficiency and productivity is unparalleled in human history. Modern industrial farming is not unique to the USA, but it has been refined and deployed here on a scale unmatched anywhere else.
Americans are now able to spend a smaller fraction of their disposable income
on their daily food than anyone on the planet, but as Harvey Blatt makes clear,
there are many other consequences to consider, most of them undesirable. After taking us on a tour of the American food system—not only the basic food groups but soil, grain farming, organic food, genetically modified food, food processing, and diet—Blatt reminds us that we aren't powerless. Once we know the facts about food in America, we can change things by the choices we make as consumers, as voters, and as ethical human beings.
Check out America's Food: What You Don't Know About What You Eat, available now on the library's New Book Shelf and in electronic digital format.
March 5, 2010
Are “get tough” policies the best approach?
Several recent violent crimes by youths, including the vicious beating death of a Chicago honor student by a mob of teenagers, have sparked a new look at urban youth violence. Despite a steep overall drop in youth crime in recent years, researchers say many urban areas continue to be plagued by homicide and other violence involving young offenders. Some experts say tougher sentencing laws and a greater focus on parental responsibility are the best ways to fight the violence, while others argue for more federal money for social programs and anti-violence efforts. In some cities, collaborative approaches involving police, educators, community leaders and neighborhood groups are aimed at pressing youths to forsake violence while offering them a path toward redemption. Meanwhile, two competing proposals are being considered on Capitol Hill, and major foundations are funding programs to help youths in trouble.
Organic chef, author, and eco-lifestyle consultant Renee Loux has written a fun and helpful book that will encourage you to change your lifestyle in small ways while making your home more eco-friendly.
Included in this book are plenty of recipes for non-toxic, all natural, great-smelling cleaning solutions made out of common household ingredients like baking soda, vodka, and vinegar (along with a hefty dose of essential oils!). Sections include basic green cleaning tips, steps to take for a green kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom, eco-alternatives for doing the laundry, and information on energy efficient lightbulbs, home furnishings, and building materials. This book is filled with useful tips and important information about common chemicals and their harmful side effects, and demonstrates how very easy it can be to be green!
Book review by Jamie Lin Southwestern College Library
The Catcher in the Rye is one of the most popular and influential coming-of-age novels ever written, and its 17-year-old protagonist, Holden Caulfield, has become an icon of teen angst. The full-length essays in the March eBook of the Month provide a critical look at this classic by J.D. Salinger.
Edited by master scholar and Yale University Professor Harold Bloom, this comprehensive study guide presents a selection of the best current criticism and includes:
The Catcher in the Rye: Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations will be provided with free, unlimited access March 1-31, 2010.
If you have already established a NetLibrary account through Southwestern College Library, visit http://www.netlibrary.com/ and log in to read "The Catcher in the Rye: Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations" or any of our other 21,000 electronic book titles from your home, work or any other off campus location.
Birds do it, bees do it, but why do humans do it? In this wide-ranging look at the evolutionary reasons for sex, physiologist and evolutionary biologist Sharon Moalem says that it's all about shuffling the gene pool and getting rid of any unwelcome guests, such as viruses, that may have latched onto human DNA. But why is one particular person attracted to another? Moalem relays the latest research showing that smell plays a very important role in attraction, and that even our genes may influence one's smell, and thus a person's desirability, to others. Chapters also cover puberty, factors in attraction and arousal, sexually transmitted diseases, and birth control.
Check out How Sex Works: Why We Look, Smell, Taste, Feel, and Act the Way We Do, available now on the library's New Book Shelf.
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