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February 19, 2010
Is the electric power system at risk?
The U.S. electric power grid – the nationwide system of interconnected regional power systems – is a century old and under strain. Long-term power demand has grown steadily since the 1980s, but investments in transmission have lagged behind. Three major blackouts in the past decade have raised concerns about providing electricity reliably.
Federal agencies are working with utilities, manufacturers and information technology companies to develop a modernized grid that uses computers to monitor the system. Advocates say this “smart grid” will be able to generate more electricity from renewable fuels and save money for businesses and families.
The Obama administration calls the smart grid an urgent priority and is spending billions to help design it. But some experts worry that a digital grid could be vulnerable to cyberattacks or that it will violate consumers’ privacy. Others say that promoting energy conservation or building new power plants near population centers would be more effective than building new high-voltage transmission lines.
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Starting with its formation in 1957 by President Eisenhower, Ms. Berry examines the U. S. Commission on Civil Rights' origins, challenges, and accomplishments, particularly during the peak of the Civil Rights Movement. The Commission's public hearings, reports, and extended jurisdiction were instrumental in the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Age Discrimination Act of 1978, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Ms. Berry, who chaired the Commission for 11 years, includes some very disturbing and heart-rending testimonies from government witnesses and local people amid attacks from Southern segregationists, death threats, and fear of reprisal
Although race, particularly discrimination against blacks, was the initial focus, over time attention shifted to other minorities, as well as women, gays, and the disabled. However, in later years, Berry notes a more politically partisan slant to the commission. She recommends that the commission both refocus on its original commitment and expand its scope to both civil and human rights so that America’s compliance can be placed in the context of international human rights standards to provide some much-needed self-criticism.
Check out And Justice For All: The United States Commission
on Civil Rights and the Continuing Struggle
for Freedom in America., available now on the library's New Book Shelf.
Are chronically tired people at greater health risk?
New research links sleep deprivation to a large number of automobile and other accidents. Moreover, chronically sleep-deprived people are at higher risk for poor memories, mental illnesses, obesity, cardiovascular disease and early death. Yet today’s 24/7 culture fights against the human body’s biological need for about seven hours of sleep a night.
Some people are especially sleep deprived, notably teenagers and late-shift workers such as police officers, nurses and medical residents. Meanwhile, some experts worry that overuse of sleeping medications is becoming a serious problem. Newer medications like Ambien and Lunesta are in some ways “safer” than older drugs, but they also affect brain function and sleep patterns in ways that are still not fully understood. With primary-care doctors now able to prescribe these medications because of their greater apparent safety, more people may get into trouble with sleeping pills.
The Procrastinator's Guide to Getting Things Done will be provided with free, unlimited access February 1-28, 2010.
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To read this article and others visit our Articles and Databases webpage and click on CQ Researcher. Select the Off Campus Access link for information on how to access this resource from off campus locations.
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