Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Check It Out

Americans in Waiting: The Lost Story of Immigration and Citizenship in the United States by Hiroshi Motomura

Call Number New Book Area JV6483 .M67 2007

Although America is unquestionably a nation of immigrants, its immigration policies have inspired more questions than consensus on who should be admitted and what the path to citizenship should be. In Americans in Waiting, Hiroshi Motomura looks to a forgotten part of our past to show how, for over 150 years, immigration was assumed to be a transition to citizenship, with immigrants essentially being treated as future citizens--Americans in waiting. Challenging current conceptions, the author uncovers how this view, once so central to law and policy, has all but vanished.

Americans in Waiting offers new ideas and perspectives on the current immigration debates.

Friday, July 24, 2009

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Check It Out

Once Upon a Quinceanera: Coming of Age in the USA
by Julia Alvarez, New York : Viking, 2007

Call Number New Book Area GT2490 .A45 2007

Once Upon a Quinceañera, is a well researched book about the celebration of a girl's coming of age, bestselling novelist Julia Alvarez, author of How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent and In the Time of the Butterflies, studies the ancient ritual that unites the U.S. Latino community and is rapidly evolving and spreading across ethnic lines.

The book's most appealing moments come from Alvarez's descriptive look at the craziness surrounding the day of the event and from her own recollections of growing up in the same area in Queens where she follows one family through this experience.

Check out this book or another new book for 4 weeks with your SWC photo ID card.

Internet Resource - Voyages Database

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database comprises nearly 35,000 individual slaving expeditions between 1514 and 1866. Records of the voyages have been found in archives and libraries throughout the Atlantic world. This website www.slavevoyages.org/tast/index.faces provide information about vessels, enslaved peoples, slave traders and owners, and trading routes.

The Voyages website itself is the product of two years of development by a multi-disciplinary team of historians, librarians, curriculum specialists, cartographers, computer programmers, and web designers, in consultation with scholars of the slave trade from universities in Europe, Africa, South America, and North America. The National Endowment for the Humanities is the principal sponsor of the project, and it is an Emory University Digital Library Research Initiative"

Search the Voyages Database: Look for particular voyages in this database of documented slaving expeditions. Create listings, tables, charts, and maps using information from the database.

Examine Estimates of the Slave Trade: Slaves on documented voyages represent four-fifths of the number who were actually transported. Use the interactive estimates page to analyze the full volume and multiple routes of the slave trade.

Explore the African Names Database: This database identifies over 67,000 Africans aboard slave ships, using name, age, gender, origin, and place of embarkation.

Monday, July 13, 2009

July e-book of the Month

Retold as a graphic novel, this action-packed edition brings to life one of the most enduring legends in the English language.

The hero of Beowulf is a brave and mighty warrior, known to have the strength of thirty men. At home in Geatland, Beowulf hears about the terrible troubles of his father’s friend, Hrothgar, the king of the Danes. Hrothgar’s land is plagued by Grendel, a vicious monster who attacks the Danes by night. Beowulf sets sail to aid Hrothgar and the Danes. But is Beowulf strong enough to slay the monstrous Grendel? And even if he succeeds, what other dangers lie ahead for the warrior-hero?

In this Graphic Universe™ edition from Lerner Publishing Group, the author and illustrator of Beowulf: Monster Slayer bring to life one of the most enduring myths in the English language. Action-packed and richly illustrated, this age-old story will engage readers of all ages with supreme artwork and a faithful interpretation of the original epic.

Beowulf: Monster Slayer will be provided with free, unlimited access from July 1 through July 31.

If you have already established a NetLibrary account through Southwestern College Library, visit http://www.netlibrary.com/ and log in to read "Beowulf: Monster Slayer" or any of our other 20,000 electronic book titles from your home, work or any other off campus location.

If you do not have a NetLibrary account, you can create your own account from any computer on the Southwestern College campuses. Visit our NetLibrary information page .

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Internet Resource - Academic Earth

This free online website provides more than 1,500 online videos of courses and individual guest lectures from six top-rated universities. At Academic Earth you can browse among the 17 discipline areas from Astronomy to Religion. The video courses are from Yale, MIT, Harvard, Stanford, UC Berkeley, and Princeton” and the lectures can be “browsed by subject, university, or instructor

Users can also download the video lectures to a PC or an iPod. You can also share the video content to a Facebook page and send them by email.

Academic Earth video lectures are a great way for you to learn more about a topic of interest for free!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Artstor - National Gallery of Art Images

ARTstor is collaborating with the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, to share more than 600 images of European paintings, sculpture, and decorative arts from the Samuel H. Kress Collection.

The Kress Collection at the National Gallery of Art consists of works of European art from the 13th through the 18th centuries, including paintings, sculptures, medals, prints, drawings, and decorative arts, as well as an important collection of historical picture frames.

To view this collection: go to the ARTstor Digital Library, browse by collection, and click "The Samuel H. Kress Collection"; or enter the Keyword Search: kress foundation.

To view ARTstor from off campus locations you need to create an ARTstor account at http://www.artstor.org/ from any on campus computer.