Our summer session hours will be Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. till 6:30 p.m.
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Outbreak in Asia: How a Flu Pandemic Is Born and Outbreak in America: When the Flu Pandemic Hits Home are part of a two part series that provides dramatization and researched information about influenza as a global pandemic.
Our Films on Demand collection include instructional titles exploring topics in career and job searching, child development, health, psychology and sociology.
You must be a currently enrolled student to access the Films on Demand service.
Nadya Suleman, an unemployed, 33-year-old, single mother from Southern California, felt her six children weren’t enough. Last January, after a fertility doctor implanted six embryos she had frozen earlier, Suleman gave birth to octuplets – and was quickly dubbed “Octomom.” Many fertility experts were shocked that a doctor would depart so far from medical guidelines – which recommend implantation of only one, or at most two, embryos for a woman of Suleman’s relatively young age.
Although multiple births often do result from in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other assisted-reproduction technologies, the number of multiples has dropped over the past few years, they point out. Other analysts note, however, that government statistics show a large percentage of clinics frequently ignore the guidelines on embryo implantation. In response, lawmakers in several states have introduced proposals to increase regulation of fertility clinics.
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