Friday, February 23, 2007
Did the rain cause a back-up on the 805? What's the drive time to Mission Valley right now?
Dial 511 and you can find answers to all of your transportation questions, including which bus route to take and how much it costs. The best part is that the call is free.
For more information, see SANDAG's website:
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Friends of the Library essay contest deadline has been extended!
Friends of the Library essay contest deadline has been extended!
Once again the Friends of the Library are sponsoring an essay contest. There will be up to five prizes of $100 each.The essay prompt is based on the College Book, Enrique's Journey (author Sonia Nazario).On the back cover of the book, there is a quote from noted author Isabel Allende “ . . .If you are going to read only one nonfiction book this year, it has to be this one, because you know these young heroes. They live next door.” Do you consider Enrique a “hero”? Why or why not? Cite specific examples from the book to support your point of view.
To enter the contest, you must be registered as a SWC student for spring 2007. The essay must be at least one page (typed and double-spaced) but no longer than three pages and must be submitted electronically to before 12 noon on Monday, March 19, 2007. The essay must include your name, Southwestern College ID number, address, and telephone number. If you have questions, contact Diane Gustafson in the Library, 482-6433.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
These books are available for check out and will be on display in the new book area until March 1, 2007.
An anthology of graphic fiction, cartoons, & true stories.
The road.
What is the what : the autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng : a novel.
Treasure of Khan.
Franny and Zooey.
Wasted: a memoir of anorexia and bulimia.
Flash fiction forward : 80 very short stories.
The view from Castle Rock : stories.
The discomfort zone : a personal history.
La perdida.
Revolutionary tales : African American women's short stories.
The night watch.
The kindness of strangers.
The coffee trader : a novel.
Malcolm X : a graphic biography.
Made for each other : fashion and the Academy Awards.
BC108.C7 2004
Introducing logic.
BD438.5.S67 2006
Self : ancient and modern insights about individuality, life, and death.
BJ1251.F43 2006
Exploring Christian ethics : biblical foundations for morality.
BJ1533.O73.A27 2006
A perfect mess : the hidden benefits of disorder : how crammed closets, cluttered offices, and on-the-fly planning make the world a better place.
BL240.3.C43 2006
Science and faith : understanding meaning, method, and truth.
BP189.65.M87.S84 2001
Sufism, Music and society in Turkey and the Middle East : papers read at a conference held at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, November 27-29, 1997
CT3260.S35 2005
Lighting the way : nine women who changed modern America.
DG279.E94 2006
Augustus : the life of Rome's first emperor.
E181.S38 2006
America's victories : why the U.S. wins wars and will win the war on terror.
E183.8.I55.A598 2006
Confronting Iran : the failure of American foreign policy and the next great crisis in the Middle East.
E184.A1.D283 2006
Race relations in America : a reference guide with primary documents.
E185.97.W4.U53 2006
Uncle Tom or new Negro? : African Americans reflect on Booker T. Washington and Up from slavery one hundred years later.
E895.S84 2006
America alone : the end of the world as we know it.
E902.R53 2006
The greatest story ever sold : the decline and fall of truth from 9/11 to Katrina.
E903.3.W67 2006
State of denial.
GC211.2.S65 2006
Extreme waves.
GV1786.A43.E44 2003
The ballet book : learning and appreciating the secrets of dance.
HB501.J855 2006
Justice in a global economy : strategies for home, community, and world.
HD4903.5.U58.M33 2006
Freedom is not enough : the opening of the American work place.
HD62.4.H55 2005
International business : competing in the global marketplace.
HD9560.9.C3245 2005
Oil crisis.
HF5387.O82 2004
Cowboy ethics : what Wall Street can learn from the code of the west.
HM1096.S683 2005
Black rednecks and white liberals.
HM646.H35 2007
Fame junkies : the hidden truths behind America's favorite addiction.
HQ1075.V546 2006
Self-made man : one woman's journey into manhood and back again.
HQ1410.L86 1994
What every American should know about women's history : 200 events that shaped our destiny.
HQ27.5.M2103 2006
Hooking up : a girl's all-out guide to sex & sexuality.
HQ281.K56 2004
Woman, child for sale : the new slave trade in the 21st century.
HQ36.Z55 1999
The new male sexuality.
HQ759.B37 2005
Because I said so : 33 mothers write about children, sex, men, aging, faith, race, and themselves.
HQ76.3.U5.B46 2006
Male-male intimacy in early America : beyond romantic friendships.
HQ769.B51177 2006
All kids are our kids : what communities must do to raise caring and responsible children and adolescents.
HV6431.W444 2006
Scapegoats of September 11th : hate crimes & state crimes in the war on terror.
HV6432.7.J33 2006
The 9/11 report : a graphic adaptation.
HV6715.P54 2004
Gambling politics : state government and the business of betting.
KF2905.3.B35 2005
The medical malpractice myth.
KF4865.S26 2005
Sanctioning religion? : politics, law, and faith-based public services.
LB1044.87.R53 2006
Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms.
LB1139.35.M67.D48 1994
Moral classrooms, moral children : creating a constructivist atmosphere in early education.
LB2328.N4 v.136
Community college missions in the 21st century.
ML134.H16.P37 2005
G.F.Handel : a guide to research.
ML3477.R63 1999
The Latin tinge : the impact of Latin American music on the United States.
ML3479.W47 2006
A change is gonna come : music, race & the soul of America.
ML3521.O18 1997
The Devil's music : a history of the blues.
ML410.B26.C45 1995
Béla Bartók
ML410.B4.B2812 2000
Beethoven and his world.
ML410.C54.S895 2000
Chopin in Paris : the life and times of the romantic composer.
ML410.G288.G74 1998
George Gershwin.
ML410.G288.P65 2006
George Gershwin : his life and work.
ML410.L7.F73 2006
Franz Liszt and his world.
ML410.R23.L37 1996
Maurice Ravel.
ML420.C59.A3 2002
ML421.U2.U13 2006
U2 by U2. (oversize)
ML457.G66 2006
Mastering the art of performance : a primer for musicians.
MT192.2.L353 2002
Hammond organ complete : tunes, tones, and techniques for drawbar keyboards. + CD
MT42.F79 2002
The rhythm bible : for students & professionals who want to gain the ability to sight-sing and play rhythms…. + CD.
MT55.S289 2006
Baroque counterpoint.
MT662.3.F66.B7 1991
Brazilian rhythms for drumset. + 2 CD's
MT662.3.H37.W4 1995
West African rhythms for drumset. + CD
MT662.8.B47 2004
The drummer's bible : how to play every drum style from Afro-Cuban to Zydeco. + 2 CD's.
MT662.8.M344 2003
The complete idiot's guide to playing drums. + CD
MT663.2.S144 1997
Mel Bay presents The bongo book. + CD
MT663.3.G34 2000
Play congas now : the basics & beyond. + 2 CD's
MT663.3.M16 2000
Hand drums for beginners : an easy beginning method. + 1 CD.
MT663.3.S152 2002
Poncho Sanchez' conga cookbook. + CD.
MT663.3.S355 2000
Bongo drumming : beyond the basics. + 2 CD's
MT736.K35 2004
Together in rhythm : a facilitator's guide to drum circle music. + DVD.
NA7117.A74.C94 1999
Palm Springs modern : houses in the California desert.
NA737.G53.A4 2006
Irvng J. Gill : architect, 1870-1936.
P121.C7.H6 2006
How language works : how babies babble, words change meaning, and languages live or die.
PN4775.H324 2006
A writer's coach : an editor's guide to words that work.
PN4874.S69.M33 2006
All governments lie : the life and times of rebel journalist I.F. Stone.
PN4888.C8.S83 2006
White victims, black villians : gender, race, and crime news in US culture.
PN6710.G738 2005
Graphic novels : everything you need to know.
PQ7440.P3863.C37 2002
Cartas a la sombra de tu piel.
PQ7440.P3863.E43 2003
Elegías de septiembre.
PR6052.Y652.M25 1987
Mementos and other stories.
PS438.L49 2006
Cracking up : American humor in a time of conflict.
Q125.L29 2006
Theories for everything : an illustrated history of science from the invention of numbers to string theory.
Q141.R515 2006
The road to scientific success : inspiring life stories of prominent researchers.
QB982.H66 2006
Dark cosmos : in search of our universe's missing mass and energy.
QC15.O94 2006
Out of the shadows : contributions of twentieth-century women to physics.
QC174.12.E68 2006
Entangled world : the fascination of quantum information and computation.
QC174.12.L57 2006
Programming the universe : a quantum computer scientist takes on the cosmos.
QC24.5.C54 2006
The God effect : quantum entanglement, science's strangest phenomenon.
QE721.2.E97.H345 2005
Catastrophes and lesser calamities : the causes of mass extinctions.
QH205.C75 2006
Under the microscope : a brief history of microscopy.
QH307.2.Z36 2005
Life sciences for the non-scientists.
QH325.F78 2000
The emergence of life on Earth : a historical and scientific overview.
QL31.G58.P47 2006
Jane Goodall : the woman who redefined man.
QL653.C2.L46 2006
Field guide to amphibians and reptiles of the San Diego region.
R690.D36 2006
Health care job explosion! : high growth health care careers and job locator.
RC591.A85 2007
The asthma sourcebook.
SB439.24.C2.B67 2005
California native plants for the garden.
TJ163.2.F35 2005
Energy in the 21st century.
TP359.H8.R54 2002
The hydrogen economy : the creation of the worldwide energy web and the redistribution of power on earth.
TR140.E92.A4 2006
Walker Evans : lyric documentary.
TR267.K46 2006
The photographer's guide to the digital darkroom. + CD-ROM
Monday, February 05, 2007
February e-Book of the Month

In celebration of African-American History Month, NetLibrary has partnered with Blackwell Publishing to offer A Companion to African-American Studies as the February eBook of the Month. A groundbreaking re-appraisal of the history and future of African-American studies, the Companion includes original essays by expert scholars in the field and covers each topic with authority and clarity.
Edited by Lewis R. Gordon and Jane Anna Gordon, A Companion to African-American Studies is a definitive intervention at a critical time in the history of race relations and in the academic field of race and ethnic studies. Bringing together a dazzling array of established and emergent voices, the Companion opens with a series of reflections from those who waged pitched battles to establish African-American Studies as a bona fide academic discipline and captures the dynamic interaction of African-American Studies with other fields of inquiry.
Provided through the generous support of Blackwell Publishing, A Companion to African-American Studies will be available to Southwestern College Library patrons February 1-28. If you have already established a NetLibrary account through Southwestern College Library, visit and log in. If you do not have a NetLibrary account, you can create an account from any computer on the Southwestern College campuses.
For more information about NetLibrary or other services available through Southwestern College Library, please contact our Reference Desk at 619-421-6700 x5381, TTY 619-482-6490, by email or visit our Netlibrary webpage .
Once again the Friends of the Library will sponsor an essay contest. There will be up to five prizes of $100 each.The essay prompt is based on the College Book, Enrique's Journey (author Sonia Nazario).On the back cover of the book, there is a quote from noted author Isabel Allende “ . . .If you are going to read only one nonfiction book this year, it has to be this one, because you know these young heroes. They live next door.” Do you consider Enrique a “hero”? Why or why not? Cite specific examples from the book to support your point of view.
To enter the contest, you must be registered as a SWC student for spring 2007. The essay must be at least one page (typed and double-spaced) but no longer than three pages and must be submitted electronically to before 12 noon on Monday, March 19, 2007. If you have questions, contact Diane Gustafson in the Library, 482-6433.
Friday, February 02, 2007
These books are available for check out and will be on display in the new book area until February 15, 2007.
Call # | Title |
2967 | High stakes. |
2968 | Trial run. |
2969 | Decider. |
2970 | For kicks. |
2971 | Slay ride. |
2972 | Wild horses. |
2973 | Bolt. |
2974 | In the frame. |
2975 | Hornet flight. |
2976 | The conspiracy club : a novel. |
2977 | Catch as cat can. |
2978 | Bastard out of Carolina. |
B580.L6 1997 | The meditations. |
BF697.5.B63.W54 2006 | Feeling good about the way you look : a program for overcoming body image problems. |
BL311.B85 1998 | Bulfinch's mythology. |
BM487.S335 2006 | The Dead Sea Scrolls : what have we learned? |
BP565.H25.T3 2006 | Teachers of the eternal doctrine : from Tsong-Ka-Pa to Nostradamus. |
BP565.I85.D3 2006 | The dawning of wisdom: essays on walking the path. |
BR160.E5.E5 1989 | The history of the church from Christ to Constantine. |
BR516.T68 2006 | God in public : four ways American Christianity and public life relate. |
BR517.O35 2004 | The world calling : the church's witness in politics and society. |
BT203.M44 2006 | Christ is the question. |
BX1749.T324 1998 | Selected writings. |
BX4827.B57.R62 2005 | Bonhoeffer and King : speaking truth to power. |
DA925.L365 2003 | Language and tradition in Ireland : continuities and displacements. |
DA965.C6.O244 1998 | The big fellow. |
DA990.A8.S8 1979 | The Aran islands. |
DG806.E67 2001 | As the Romans do : an American family's Italian odyssey. |
DK254.T6.A48 1970 | My life : an attempt at an autobiography. |
DS712.S245 1987 | Iron & silk. |
E184.C97.E37 2004 | Waiting for snow in Havana : confessions of a Cuban boy. |
E99.M69.B37 | Miwok material culture. |
F1236.F666 2003 | Forecasting Mexico's democratic transition : scenarios for policymakers. |
F819.L44.R87 1992 | Lee's Ferry : desert river crossing. |
GV884.J32.A3 1995 | Sacred hoops : spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior. |
HB501.A57 2006 | American capitalism : social thought and political economy in the twentieth century. |
HM1246.H57 2005 | Letters to a young contrarian. |
HM846.B84 2005 | Interpersonal divide : the search for community in a technological age. |
HQ13.S535 2005 | Sexuality in Greek and Roman culture. |
HQ796.W636 2006 | Straightedge youth : complexity and contradictions of a subculture. |
HV5825.M397 2007 | The methamphetamine crisis : strategies to save addicts, families, and communities. |
HV6181.I45 2006 | Immigration and crime : race, ethnicity, and violence. |
HV8139.W45 2006 | Race and policing in America : confilct and reform. |
HV8805.B5 1995 | The Panopticon writings. |
HV95.S38 2006 | Targeting in social programs : avoiding bad bets, removing bad apples. |
KF524.Z9.W66 2006 | Divorce and money : how to make the best financial decisions during divorce. |
KF6297.Z9.F57 2006 | Lower taxes in 7 easy steps. |
LC32.H345 1989 | The day I became an autodidact : and the advice, adventures, and acrimonies that befell me thereafter. |
LC4704.H378 2001 | Complete learning disabilities handbook : ready-to-use strategies & activities for teaching students with learning disabilities. |
ML1030.K4613 1997 | The joy of drumming : drums & percussion instruments from around the world. |
ML210.V55 1999 | Mexican and Chicano music. |
ML2911.C67 2004 | In spirit and in truth : the music of African American worship. |
ML3790.H983 2006 | Record label marketing. |
ML410.B4.M28 2000 | Beethoven's hair. |
ML410.B4.S58 2006 | Beethoven : his life and music. + 2 CD's |
ML410.M9.S497 2006 | Mozart : his life & music. + 2 CD's |
ML410.R12.B47 2001 | Sergei Rachmaninoff : a lifetime in music. |
ML552.S724 2003 | Complete organ method : [a classic text on organ technique]. |
ML597.V35 2002 | The Hammond organ : beauty in the B. |
ML74.4.I49.T54 2006 | iPod + iTunes for Windows and Mac in a snap. |
MT1.C226 2006 | Music in childhood : from preschool through the elementary grades. + CD. |
MT1.G816 2006 | An introduction to music in early childhood education. |
MT662.3.D23 1991 | 4-way coordination : a method book for the development of complete independence on the drum set. |
MT662.3.M35.A3 1990 | Afro-Cuban rhythms for drumset. + CD |
MT662.6.P424 1979 | Studio/jazz drum cookbook. |
MT663.3.D96 1994 | Conga drumming : a beginner's guide to playing with time. + CD |
NB623.C3.A2 1956 | The autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini. |
ND547.5.I4.I449 1987 | The impressionists at first hand. |
PA4413.O7.S24 1968 | Oedipus; myth and dramatic form. |
PA4495.A6.W3 1972 | The Persian expedition. |
PB1306.F45 1978 | The Irish tradition. |
PE1404.M65 2006 | Writing to teach; writing to learn in higher education. |
PE1417.M56 2004 | Models for writers : short essays for composition. |
PL2478.L7 1995 | The analects. |
PN1042.S933 1997 | Writing poetry, and getting published. |
PN1995.9.P7.C54 2006 | Film production management. |
PN3355.S555 1998 | The fiction writer's guidebook. |
PN3365.K8713 1996 | Testaments betrayed : an essay in nine parts. |
PN51.G68 1995 | Literature against itself : literary ideas in modern society. |
PN81.E4 1977 | The theory of literary criticism : a logical analysis. |
PN81.J29 1982 | The political unconscious : narrative as a socially symbolic act. |
PQ1528.A24713 1994 | The romance of the rose. |
PQ1642.E6.H39 1996 | Selected essays. |
PQ2603.E378.F49 1977 | Fizzles. |
PQ2605.A3734.P4213 1991 | The plague. |
PQ2613.I2.Z5213 2001 | If it die-- : an autobiography. |
PQ2617.O6.A23 1982 | The bald soprano, and other plays. |
PQ2637.I547.V413 1986 | The wind. |
PQ7297.F793.D4813 1996 | Diana : the goddess who hunts alone. |
PQ8498.32.A65.E413 1991 | In praise of the stepmother. |
PR2228.A1 1970 | The works of Thomas Campion: complete songs, masques, and treatises, with a selection of the Latin verse. |
PR2807.T47 1996 | William Shakespeare, Hamlet |
PR4034.E5 1981 | Emma. |
PR4416.P45 1973 | Phelim O'Toole's courtship and other stories. |
PR4426.A3 1995 | On great men. |
PR4802.H44.A6 2002 | Gerard Manley Hopkins : the major works. |
PR4879.L7.U42 1966 | Uncle Silas; a tale of Bartram-Haugh. |
PR5904.V5 1978 | A vision. |
PR6005.O18.A6 1971 | Selected poems. |
PR6019.O9.Z533 1995 | James Joyce and the question of history. |
PR6023.A914.A6 1981 | Selected stories. |
PR6029.F3.A15 1983 | The collected stories of Sean O'Faolain. |
PR6037.T4.Z78 1977 | James Stephens, a critical study. |
PR6045.O53.T5 1989 | Thank you, Jeeves. |
PR6052.E5873.S94 1991 | The swimmer in the deep blue dream. |
PR6052.O9192.N4 2000 | The new confessions. |
PR6054.E22.H5 1983 | History lessons. |
PR6054.O95.S64 1992 | The snapper. |
PR6054.U5546.P87 1992 | Purtock. |
PR6056.R5.A6 1983 | The diviner : the best stories of Brian Friel. |
PR6056.R5.F7 1974 | The freedom of the city. |
PR6058.E2.D4 1980 | Death of a naturalist. |
PR6058.E2.D6 1972 | Door into the dark. |
PR6058.E2.H34 1987 | The haw lantern. |
PR6058.E2.S7 1985 | Station Island. |
PR6058.E2.W5 1972 | Wintering out. |
PR6058.I3434.B3 1991 | Ballybawn. |
PR6061.A9.O54 1986 | Only by mistake. |
PR6062.E967.D47 1992 | Departures. |
PR6062.O36.S64 1995 | Small world : an academic romance. |
PR6063.O5.A6 1982 | Poems. |
PR6071.N8.A28 1998 | After Hannibal. |
PR8711.J4 1982 | Anglo-Irish literature. |
PR8891.N67.P6 1979 | Poets from the North of Ireland. |
PR99.E66 1990 | A long the riverrun : selected essays. |
PS153.N5.B23 1987 | Blues, ideology, and Afro-American literature : a vernacular theory. |
PS153.N5.G23 1989 | The signifying monkey : a theory of African-American literary criticism. |
PS228.M63.C34 2005 | The Cambridge companion to American modernism. |
PS3505.R43.L44 1998 | Life & death. |
PS3505.U334.N6 1998 | No thanks. |
PS3507.O686.F26 1989 | A fairy tale of New York. |
PS3511.E557.Z476 1984 | Seven days in Nicaragua libre. |
PS3552.A254.Z477 1991 | Working in the dark : reflections of a poet of the barrio. |
PS3552.R698.S39 1978 | Six of one. |
PS3552.U745.Z472 2005 | Magical thinking : true stories. |
PS3553.O633.G48 2000 | Ghost town : a novel. |
PS3553.O633.P75 2000 | Pricksongs & descants : fictions. |
PS3557.A355.L47 1994 | A lesson before dying. |
PS3568.E365.J3 1996 | Japanese by spring. |
PS3568.E365.M84 1996 | Mumbo jumbo. |
PS3569.N88.R5 1990 | Riprap ; and, Cold Mountain poems. |
PS3572.E76.Z465 1999 | A book of reasons. |
PS3572.I63.U53 1995 | Under the feet of Jesus. |
PS3573.I26.Z464 1995 | Brothers and keepers. |
PT2625.A44.Z32 1992 | The magic mountain. |
PZ8.3.G2765.H58 2001 | Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch stole Christmas! |
Q173.J54 2006 | The single helix : a turn around the world of science. |
QA184.A96 1997 | Linear algebra done right. |
QB41.G123 1990 | Discoveries and opinions of Galileo : including The starry messenger (1610), Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina (1615), and excerpts from Letters on sunspots (1613), The assayer (1623). |
QB64.W54 2006 | 300 astronomical objects : a visual reference to the universe. |
QC24.5.B56 2007 | How everything works : making physics out of the ordinary. |
QH105.C2.Q56 2006 | Introduction to California chaparral. |
QK149.M788 2004 | Introduction to California desert wildflowers. |
QL666.O6.O77 2005 | Venomous snakes of the world. |
RC516.B87 2006 | The bipolar handbook : real-life questions with up-to-date answers. |
RC568.A45.S63 2007 | Methamphetamine : the dangers of crystal meth. |
RD118.K83 2006 | Beauty junkies : inside our $15 billion obsession with cosmetic surgery. |
RD86.K4.L63 2007 | Ketamine : dangerous hallucinogen. |
RM146.5.R36 2007 | Prescription drugs. |
RM666.F52.A33 2007 | Rohypnol : roofies--"the date rape drug". |
RM666.G127.W65 2007 | GHB and analogs : high-risk club drugs. |
RM666.O76.L63 2007 | Oxycontin : from pain relief to addiction. |
RT120.F34.F46 2000 | Practice guidelines for family nurse practitioners. |
T385.O4771 2006 | Just enough AutoCAD 2007. |
T385.S719 2004 | Adobe Photoshop CS/ImageReady CS for the Web. + CD-ROM. |
TR820.5.G782 2006 | Ruth Gruber : photographs as witness. |
TX633.K36 2006 | The United States of Arugula : how we became a gourmet nation. |
Z674.A4 v.30 | Advances in librarianship. |